Global Logistics Technology Trends You Need To Know For 2021
The transportation and logistics industry is subject to constant change, and along with that comes constant pressure to source new, innovative techniques to increase efficiency. Because of the industry’s large and fragmented nature, it is crucial to understand global technology trends to create a competitive advantage. Technological advances provide opportunities to drive down service costs, […]
Rasomware Poses an Existential Threat to the Transportation and Logistics Industry
Recently, federal agencies warned that ransomware is currently the fastest growing malware threat, with more than 4,000 attacks per day. Global phishing and malware campaigns that have been targeting critical industries around the world have recently switched to ransomware attacks, an indicator of how successful ransomware has become for cyber criminals as a money-making vehicle. Ransomware […]
The Impact Of California AB5 and Prop 22 on Motor Carrier Transportation
On January 1st, 2020, the California Assembly Bill (or AB5) went into effect,